
Supporting the Portland’5 Foundation allows you to play key roles in sustaining and expanding the future of arts education in our community. By making a commitment through one of the following opportunities, you are joining advocates from all over the region who are passionate about the creative expression, cultural engagement, and educational programs that are essential parts of our society. 

In 2016-17, the Portland’5 Education and Community Outreach Programs reached over 13,000 students and staff in Title I schools and has promoted learning through the arts by developing opportunities that are diverse, multi-disciplinary, and accessible to all ages and cultural groups. The Portland’5 Foundation promotes the arts as an integral part of our community. Donations to the Portland’5 Foundation ensures continued education programming to thousands of students in Clackamas, Multnomah, and Washington counties.

Giving can come in any form and is customizable to your income level, giving experience, and areas of interest. Browse some traditional choices below, or contact the Foundation at 503.274.6555, and we will work together to find the best giving option for you!



Outright Cash Gifts

The easiest and most flexible giving option, gifts of cash can be made at any time and at any level. If you’re thinking about making a gift over $250, the Development team can work with you to set up a pledge payment plan to make your donation in several installments, if desired. Outright cash gifts can be made with cash, check (payable to Portland’5 Centers for the Arts Foundation), or credit card.

Honorary or Memorial Gifts

A gift made in the name of someone else can be a touching tribute to a friend or family member, or a unique way to recognize significant events such as birthdays and anniversaries. Like outright gifts of cash, honorary or memorial gifts can be made at any time and at any level, with cash, check, or credit card.  

Corporate Matching Gifts

Many companies offer matching gift programs. These programs allow you to make a larger total contribution than you may be able to make on your own. Check with your employer for eligibility and more specific instructions.

Corporate Sponsorships

As the cultural centerpiece of the region, the Portland’5 provides high-quality arts education and community outreach programming to teachers, students, and the public.  Sponsorships offer you unique opportunities for visibility and access in a format that can be customized for your needs and special interests. Contact the Development Department at 503.274.6555 for more information on sponsorship opportunities.


We’re saving a seat for you!

Make a name in the arts for yourself or a loved one naming a seat in Keller Auditorium, Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, or Newmark Theatre. For a $100–$1,000 donation, you can have the name of your choice engraved on a brass plaque attached to the armrest of a theatre seat.

The Name-a-Seat program is an important and lasting way to help maintain the vitality of Portland’5 Centers for the Arts’ facilities. Proceeds are dedicated to long-term maintenance, capital upgrades, and building repairs.

To name a seat today, please call 503.274.6555.

The Portland’5 Centers for the Arts Foundation is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, EIN  93-1122563.  Gifts are tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law – check with your tax professional about your individual circumstances. 

Make a matching donation to the Oregon Cultural Trust and receive a tax credit on your Oregon Tax Return.


Portland'5 Centers for the Arts Foundation
1111 SW Broadway
Portland, OR 97205
[email protected]


Student transportation is sponsored exclusively by your local Toyota dealers.
Student transportation is sponsored exclusively by your local Toyota dealers.


The Portland’5 Foundation is supported with grants from:

The Portland’5 Foundation is supported with grants from The Collins Foundation, Herbert A. Templeton, Regional Arts and Culture Council, Randall Charitable Trust, Juan Young Trust, Jackson Foundation