About Portland'5 Centers for the Arts


We change the world through the arts. We build community, create welcoming, safe spaces, and make the arts accessible so that everyone feels connected.

We bring over 1,000 music, theatre, dance, and lecture performances to Portland each year because we know that art matters. Art brings joy, inspires the mind, and unites communities. Art changes lives.

As the 5th largest performing arts center in the U.S., we are national leaders in keeping art and culture thriving. Our five venues draw over one million patrons to downtown Portland’s Cultural District and generate an average of $60 million in regional spending every year. With the help of Metro and the Metropolitan Exposition Recreation Commission, we are able to connect with the public to offer the performances that are most valuable to our community.

The greater Portland area rests on traditional village sites of many Indigenous Peoples who made their homes and villages here to harvest and use the plentiful natural resources of the region. We take this opportunity to honor the Indigenous Peoples who cared for this land since time immemorial and their families who continue to remind us that living in a place creates responsibilities to the land, water, air, animals and people of that place.

Performing Arts Venues Workgroup

Portland’5 and the City of Portland have established a Performing Arts Venues Workgroup to evaluate management of the Portland’5 arts facilities. The Workgroup is tasked with evaluating the operations, maintenance, and long-term planning of the City-owned Portland’5 Centers for the Arts venues: Antoinette Hatfield Hall (housing the Brunish, Newmark, and Winningstad Theatres), Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, and Keller Auditorium. The Workgroup will examine operational challenges and opportunities, with a focus on aligning management and operations with regional economic and cultural goals. Contracted subject matter experts will conduct a business model and governance analysis to explore alternative operating models and recommend the optimal short-term solution.

Performing Arts Venues Workgroup | Portland.gov

Performing Arts Venues | Portland.gov


Read the Portland’5 Centers for the Arts FY 2021-22 Report (pdf)

If you have any questions or comments, send us an email or call 503.248.4335.
Portland’5 mailing address: 1111 SW Broadway Ave., Portland, OR 97205-2913.