Located Inside:

Antoinette Hatfield Hall

Brunish Theatre

Ben Miller’s Stand-Up Science

Stand-Up Science Trailer

Stand-Up Science is a multi-media comedy show about science that’s equal measures hilarious, educational, and deeply personal. NYC-based scientist and comedian Ben Miller uses stories on topics ranging from his medical condition to his childhood history with milk as jumping off points for scientific and comedic exploration. This multi-media comedy show employs pictures, graphs, and videos to make science both approachable and delightful. Stand-Up Science had a completely sold-out run at the 2022 Edinburgh Fringe Festival.


Ben Miller is an NYC based comedian who has been working for the past 6 years. In that time, he’s performed at all the top clubs in the city such as Broadway Comedy Club, Stand Up NY, Dangerfield’s, Carolines, and The Stand. He’s currently ranked as the top roast battler in NYC. He also has a degree in Materials Science and Engineering from Columbia University. He’s worked with electron microscopes, been a teacher on a science bus, 3D printed cookies, and diffused a few bar fights while on stage.

Instagram: @thisisbenmiller

Brunish Theatre : Upcoming Events


PassinArt Theatre presents God's Favorite at the Portland'5 Brunish Theatre September 4–29, 2024...

Showing: 09/04 - 09/29
Illustration image of multi-colored flowers in a vase on blue background

Portland Opera to Go presents the world premiere of Shizue: An American Story at the Portland'5...

Showing: 10/04 - 10/05
Light Opera of Portland presents The Pirates of Penzance

Light Opera of Portland presents their production of the beloved operetta The Pirates of Penzance...

Showing: 10/11 - 10/27

PassinArt Theatre presents Langston Hughes' Black Nativity at the Portland'5 Brunish Theatre...

Showing: 11/29 - 12/15


PassinArt Theatre presents Dot at the Portland'5 Brunish Theatre March 19–April 13, 2025, as part...

Showing: 03/19 - 04/13