Located Inside:

Antoinette Hatfield Hall

Brunish Theatre

Brave Night: A Children’s Celebration of Light

A very special one-hour Revels story for children ages 2-7. Sing, play and laugh away the darkness with Revels Children’s Chorus, three silly new friends and a magical fox!

Inspired by themes from our mainstage production The Midwinter Revels: Andalusian NightBrave Night follows three children on their magical journey through the land of dreams.

COVID Policy for Our Audiences:
All audience members 2 years and older are required to mask in the theatre, and we strongly encourage masking in the lobby except when eating and drinking. Vaccination status will NOT be checked.

Brunish Theatre : Upcoming Events

Image with photo of J Prodigy performing on stage to audience - with title text

The Portland'5 Department of Culture & Community presents Youth Solo Time: J PRODIGY at the Brunish...

Showing: 03/07
Photo of Sahaj Kaur Kohli

The Portland’5 Centers for the Arts Department of Culture and Community presents But What Will People Say...

Showing: 03/09

Cancelled: PassinArt Theatre's Dot at the Portland'5 Brunish Theatre March 20–April 13, 2025.

Showing: 03/20 - 04/13