"It's Raining Cats and Dogs" is the offspring of last year's popular "Dog Park" show, a show that honored the four-pawed spirits that occupy so many of the rooms in our hearts. The question at the time was of course, 'where are the cats?' While we all know that cats are a little less overt in their bids for attention, we are very much aware of how they curl up with, and nuture our souls.
In the early fall of 2017, artists from the Portland area were asked to submit work representing the relationships and the love we have had with the cats and dogs in our lives. The work of forty artists was chosen for this first show of the spring season at Portland'5.
"Cat's in the Bag", Jennifer Feeney "Morning Orchestra, 1937", Benz & Chang (Dave Benz)
"Murphy Brown", Dennis Anderson "White Dog on Green Blanket", Diane Ferree
In our opening on Saturday, March 3rd, artist Fred Swan was awarded Best of Show for his painting "The Things Brushes Remember". Tiffany Grishman's work "Dulcie" landed on the second place followed by Diane Ferree's "White Dog on a Green Blanket."
"The Things Brushes Remember" by Fred Swan Trophy for "Best in Show" crafted by Portland'5
executive director Robyn Williams
The exhibit is free and will be on display in the Antoinette Hatfield Hall rotunda through the month of March with many pieces available for purchase. For purchases, please contact Jeannie Baker at [email protected] or 503.248.4335.
Antoinette Hatfield Hall Rotunda
1111 SW Broadway Ave.
Portland, OR 97205