Join us for Celebration! A group art show of women artists in the Pacific Northwest.
Sixty-five selected works of women artists in the Pacific Northwest, praising everything that needs to be celebrated, will be shown at the Portland'5 Antoinette Hatfield Hall during the months of November and December 2016.
The show opens Thursday, November 3, 2016at the Portland'5 - 1111 SW Broadway, Portland, OR 97205 - and is part of The Siren Nation Women's Music and Arts Festival, celebrating 10 years!
Featured artists:
Alea Bone, Alyssa Kubitz, Amanda Triplett, April O’connor, Blanca Santander, Cate anevsk, Charlotte Spicer, Consu Tolusa, Corinne Carbone, Diana Bustos, Diane Pinsonault, Edyta Salak, Elisabeth Walden, Elizabeth Chadick, Elizabeth McDonald, Heather Nicole Block, Holly Suzanne, Ivonne Saed, Jaclyn Evalds, Jamila Clarke, Jeannine Edelblut, Jen Bracy, Jenn Feeney, Janet Julian, Jenny Siegel, Jessica Beer, Judy Hass, Juliet Buri, Kate Sandy, Katie Veeninga, Kelly Power, Ketie Todd, Kimi Boylan, Kristina Koenig, Lea K. Tawd, Leah Kohlenberg, Linda Dalal Sawaya, Lindsey Saunders, Lisa Laser, Liz Greenhill, Lisa Griffen
Lucinda Drake, Marissa London, Mary Hill, Minae Lee, Nancy Riedel, Nicole Gartland, Pam Moore, Peggy Pfenninger, Riley Richard, Robin Phillips Occhipint, Samyak Yamauch, Sara True, Sarah Morrigan, Shauna Meiri, Shawn Demarest, Sheila Corcoran, Sidonie Caron, Sofía Acosta, Susan Kipp, Suzanne Vaughan, Tazha Williams and Tenya Rodriguez.