3rd annual exhibition by LAX - IdeAL with Portland'5 Centers for the Arts!
Celebrate our Hispanic Heritage
Saturday, September 17th from 11:00am to 5:00pm
Featuring a group art show featuring the work of 21 artists, artist workshops, conferences, music and a reception.
This is a free event and all are welcome to register.
Register at [email protected]
11:30am - Taller de Arte/ Into the Ocean Workshop with Veronica Guzman
1:30pm - "El Arte Cura" con Claudia Cuentas: Arte que Inspira y Cura - Art That Heals and Inspires
3:00pm - "The Cultural Contributions of Oregon Latinos"Conference " with Sonia de La Cruz
4:00pm - Art Reception with music by Passionfruit
Registration is easy, just click on the link: http://tinyurl.com/laxidealp5